
Published articles in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Brandsma, G.J. & S. Otjes (2024). “Gauging the roles of parliamentary staff.Parliamentary Affairs. (published online ahead of print).
  2. Rasmussen, A. & S. Otjes, (2024). “Responding to whom?  An experimental study of the dynamics of responsiveness to interest groups and the public.Journal of European Public Policy. (published online ahead of print).
  3. Otjes, S. (2023) “Local Political Space. Localism, the Left-Right Dimension and Anti-elitismParty Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  4. Lubbers, M., S. Otjes & N. Spierings (2023). What drives the propensity to vote for ethnic-minority-interest parties? Acta Politica. (published online ahead of print).
  5. Voncken, L. & S. Otjes (2023). “Without union power, there is no way of pursuing your policy goals”: when do labor unions use political mobilization as a revitalization strategy? Journal of Industrial Relations. (published online ahead of print).
  6. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2023). The nuclear option: Voting for the pan-European party Volt. European Union Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  7. Otjes. S. & T. Louwerse (2023). The reinvention of consensus politics: governing without a legislative majority in the Netherlands 2010–2021. Acta Poltitica. (published online ahead of print).
  8. Otjes, S. & D. Willumsen (2023). Winning & losing in coalition systems. A quasi-experimental study of the effect of coalition formation on satisfaction with democracy. Electoral Studies. (published online ahead of print).
  9. Van Kleef, C., T. Mickler & S. Otjes (2023). The partisan foundations of parliamentary speech. How parliamentary party groups decide who gets to speak for them. Party Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  10. Otjes, S., W. Wagner & H. Van der Veer (2023). Party ideologies and European foreign policy. Examining the transnational foreign policy space. Journal of European Public Policy. (published online ahead of print).
  11. Allern, E. H., V.W. Hansen, D. Marshall, D., & S. Otjes (2023). Party‐interest group ties: the resource exchange model revisited. European Journal of Political Research. (published online ahead of print).
  12. Otjes, S., Nagtzaam, M., & Van Well, R. (2022). Scrutiny and policymaking in local councils: how parties use council tools. Local Government Studies. (published online ahead of print).
  13. Allern, E. H., V.W. Hansen, L. Rødland, M. Røed, H. Klüver, C. Le Gall, D. Marshall, S. Otjes, T. Poguntke, A. Rasmussen, S. Saurugger, & C. Witko. (2022). Introducing the Party-interest group relationships in contemporary democracies datasets. Party Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  14. Bedock, C., V. Best, S. Otjes,& M. Weisskircher (2022). “A policy like no other? The populist radical right challenge in the field of democracy reform.” Party Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  15. Beijen, M., S. Otjes, & P. Kanne (2022). “Rally ‘Round the Prime Minister. A study into the effects of a diplomatic conflict on public opinion under coalition government.Acta Politica, 57(2).
  16. Otjes, S. (2022). “What explains the size of parliamentary staff?West European Politics. (published online ahead of print).
  17. Otjes. S. & A. Krouwel (2022). “Environmental Policy Preferences and Economic Interests in the Nature/Agriculture and Climate/Energy Dimension in the Netherlands.Rural Sociology. (published online ahead of print).
  18. Otjes, S. & D. Stiers (2022). “Accountability and alternation. How wholesale and partial alternation condition retrospective voting.Party Politics, 28(3)
  19. Van de Wardt, M. & S. Otjes (2022). “Mind the gap: How party–voter incongruence fuels the entry and support of new parties.European Journal of Political Research, 61(1).
  20. Allern, E. H., V.W. Hansen, S. Otjes, A. Rasmussen, M. Røed, & T. Bale (2021) “All about the money? A cross-national study of parties’ relations with trade unions in 12 western democracies.Party Politics, 27(3).
  21. Allern, E.H., H. Klüver, D. Marshall, S. Otjes, A. Rasmussen & C. Witko (2021). “Policy positions, power and interest group-party lobby routines.Journal of European Public Policy. (published online ahead of print).
  22. Allern, E.H., S. Otjes, T. Poguntke, V.W. Hansen, S. Saurugger, & D. Marshall (2020) “Conceptualizing and Measuring Party-Interest Group RelationshipsParty Politics, 27(6).
  23. Otjes, S. (2021). “Waar staan lokale partijen? De programmatische positionering van lokale partijen” [Where do local parties stand? Programmatic positioning of local parties] Bestuurswetenschappen, 75(4). Summary on youtube.
  24. Otjes, S. (2021) “Between “eradicate all false religion” and “love the stranger as yourself”. How immigration attitudes divide voters of religious partiesPolitics and Religion, 14(1).
  25. Otjes, S. (2021). “The fight on the right: what drives voting for the Dutch Freedom Party and for the Forum for Democracy?Acta Politica, 56(1).
  26. Otjes, S. & R. Doedens (2021) “Cancelling proposed debates. Agenda Setting, Issue Ownership and Anti-elitist Parliamentary StylePolitics of the Low Countries, 3(3)
  27. Otjes, S. & C. Green-Pedersen (2021) “When do political parties prioritize labour? Issue attention between party competition and interest group powerParty Politics, 27(4).
  28. Otjes, S., & T. Louwerse (2021). “Do anti-elitist parties use their parliamentary tools differently?” Parliamentary Affairs, 74(3).
  29. Otjes, S. & R. Rekker (2021). “Socialised to think in terms of left and right? The acceptability of the left and the right among European voters.Electoral Studies, 72.
  30. Van der Veer, H. & S. Otjes (2020). “House Divided Against Itself. The intra-institutional conflict about the powers of the European ParliamentJournal of Common Market Studies, 59(4).
  31. Otjes, S. (2020) “All on the Same Boat? Voting for Pirate Parties in Comparative Perspective.Politics, 40(1).
  32. Otjes, S. (2020) “Going Local. Voting for independent local parties in the Netherlands 1986-2010.” Local Government Studies, 46(1).
  33. Otjes, S. (2020) “A political arena or a chambre de réflexion? An examination of the reflective role of Dutch senatorsThe Journal of Legislative Studies, 26(4).
  34. Otjes, S. (2020) “How fractionalisation and polarisation explain the level of government turn-over” Acta Politica, 55(1).
  35. Otjes, S, M. Boogers, & G. Voerman (2020) “Getting Party Activists on Local Lists. How Dutch Local Party Branches Perform Their Recruitment FunctionPolitics of the Low Countries, 2(2).
  36. Otjes, S., K. Stroebe, & T. Postmes (2019) “When voting becomes protest: mapping determinants of collective action onto voting behaviorSocial Psychology and Personality Science, 11(4).
  37. Otjes, S. & M. Van der Wardt (2020) “Distance, Dissatisfaction or a Deficit in attention: why do citizens vote for new parties?Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. (published online ahead of print).
  38. Green Pedersen, C. & S. Otjes (2019) “A hot topic? Immigration on the agenda in Western Europe” Party Politics, 25(3).
  39. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2019) “How Populists Wage Opposition. Parliamentary Opposition Party Behaviour and Populism in Netherlands” Political Studies, 67(2).
  40. Otjes, S. (2019) ““No Politics in the Agenda-setting Meeting”  An issue-competition approach to plenary agenda-setting in the Dutch Parliament 1998-2017.” West European Politics, 42(4).
  41. Otjes, S. (2019) “What is left of the radical right? The economic agenda of the Dutch Freedom Party 2006-2017” Politics of the Low Countries, 1(2).
  42. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2019) “Why do newcomers vote for a newcomer? Support for an immigrant party.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(7).
  43. Otjes, S. & D. Willumsen (2019) “How Does Turnover Affect Turnout? Government Alternation and Voter Participation in Parliamentary Democracies” Electoral Studies, 59.
  44. Louwerse, T., S. Otjes & C. van Vonno (2018) “The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset” Acta Politica. 53(1).
  45. Otjes, S. (2018) “Pushed by national politics or pulled by localism? Voting for independent local parties in the Netherlands” Local Government Studies, 44(3).
  46. Otjes, S. (2018) “What’s left of the left-right dimension? Why the economic policy positions of Europeans do not fit the left-right dimension.” Social Indicators Research. 136(2).
  47. Otjes, S., G. Ivaldi, A.R. Jupskås & O. Mazzoleni (2018) “It’s not economic interventionism, stupid! Reassessing the economic agenda of radical right-wing populist parties” Swiss Political Science Review, 24(3)
  48. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2018) “Old Voters on New Dimensions: Why Do Voters Vote for Pensioners’ Parties?” The Case of the Netherlands” Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 30(1).
  49. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2018) “Parliamentary Questions as Strategic Party Tools” West European Politics, 41(2).
  50. Otjes, S. & A. Katsanidou (2017) “Beyond Kriesiland: EU integration as a super-issue of the Eurocrisis European Journal of Political Research, 56(2). 
  51. Roger, L. S. Otjes & H. van der Veer (2017) “The Financial Crisis and the European Parliament: An Analysis of the Two-Pack legislation” European Union Politics, 18(4).
  52. Van der Bles, A., T. Postmes, B. Lekander & S. Otjes (2017) “The Consequences of Collective Discontent: A New Measure of Zeitgeist Predicts Voting for Extreme Parties” Political Psychology, 39(2).
  53. Louwerse, T., S. Otjes, D. Willumsen, P. Öhberg (2016) “Reaching across the aisle. Explaining government–opposition voting in parliament” Party Politics, 23(6).
  54. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2016) “Personalised parliamentary behaviour without electoral incentives: the case of the Netherlands” West European Politics, 39(4).
  55. Otjes, S. (2016) “Distinguishing welfare state reform and income redistribution. A two-dimensional approach to the Dutch voter space on economic issues” Party Politics, 24(5).
  56. Otjes, S. (2016) “What’s right about the left-right dimension? The causes and consequences of voter inconsistency on economic issues in Germany” German Politics, 25(4).
  57. Otjes. S. (2016) “The Hobby Horse of the Party for the Animals” Society and Animals, 24(4).
  58. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2016) “The Eurozone crisis and the European Parliament’s changing lines of conflict” European Union Politics, 17(2).
  59. Van der Graaf, A., S. Otjes, & A. Rasmussen (2016) “Weapon of the Weak? The Social Media Landscape of Interest Groups” European Journal of Communication, 31(2).
  60. Berkhout, J., B. Carroll, C. Braun, A. Chalmers, T. Destrooper, S. Otjes, A. Rasmussen & D. Lowery (2015) “Interest Organizations across Economic Sectors: Explaining Interest Group Density in the European Union” Journal of European Public Policy 22(4).
  61. Jacobs, K. & S. Otjes (2015) “Explaining the size of assemblies  A longitudinal analysis of the design and reform of assembly sizes in democracies around the world” Electoral Studies, 40.
  62. Katsanidou, A. & S. Otjes (2015) “How the European debt crisis reshaped national political space: The case of Greece” European Union Politics, 17(2).
  63. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2015) “The Impact of Parliamentary Specialisation on Cosponsorship” Journal of Legislative Studies 21(4).
  64. Otjes, S. (2015) “How the Eurozone crisis reshaped national economic policy space: the Netherlands 2006-2012” Acta Politica, 51(3).
  65. Otjes, S. (2015) “Hervormen en Herverdelen. Is de links-rechtslijn de enige conflictlijn op het sociaaleconomisch terrein?” [Reform and Redistribute. Is the Left-Right Dimension the only dimension on social-economic issues] Res Publica, 57(2). Articleappendix
  66. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2015) “Two shades of Green? The electorates of GreenLeft and the Party for the Animals” Environmental Politics 24(6).
  67. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2015) “Populists in Parliament: Comparing Left Wing and Right-Wing Populism in the Netherlands” Political Studies 63(1).
  68. Otjes, S., & A. Rasmussen (2015) “Collaboration between interest groups and political parties in multi-party democracies: Party system dynamics and the effect of power and ideology” Party Politics, 23(2).
  69. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2014) “Spatial models in voting advice applications” Electoral Studies. 36
  70. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2013) “Een bijzonder meerderheidskabinet? Parlementair gedrag tijdens het kabinet Rutte-I” Res Publica 55(4).
  71. Lowery, D., A. Van Witteloostuijn, G. Peli, H. Brasher, S. Otjes & S. Gherghina (2013) “Policy Agendas and Births and Deaths of Political Parties: the Dutch Model” Party Politics 19(3).
  72. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2012) “Design challenges in cross-national VAAs: the case of the EU Profiler” International Journal of E-Governance 5(3/4).
  73. Otjes, S. (2011) “The Fortuyn Effect Revisited. How did the LPF affect the Dutch Parliamentary Party System” Acta Politica 46(4).
  74. Lowery, D., S. Otjes, S. Gherghina, A. van Witteloostuijn, G. Peli & H. Brasher (2010) “Unpacking LogM: Towards a More General Theory of Party System Density” American Journal of Political Science 54(4).
  75. Otjes, S. (2010) “Anticipatie en Reactie. Hoe en wanneer bestaande partijen reageren op nieuwe partijen” [Anticipation and Reaction. How and when existing parties react to new parties] Res Publica 52(4).


  1. Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (eds.) Tussen Bestormen en Besturen. 55 jaar D66 in de Nederlandse Politiek 1966-2021. [Between storming and governing. 55 years D66 in Dutch politics 1966-2021] Amsterdam: Boom.
  2. Otjes, S. (2012) Imitating the newcomer. How, when and why established political parties imitate the policy positions and issue attention of new political parties in the electoral and parliamentary arena: the case of the Netherlands PhD Thesis Leiden University.

Chapters in books published by academic publishers

  1. Otjes, S. & Louwerse, T. (2021). “Specialized Partisans. How Dutch Parliamentary Parties Divide Floor Access.” In: Fernandes, J., Bäck, H. & Debus, M. (eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Otjes, S. (2018) “The Phoenix of consensus democracy: party system change in the Netherlands.” In Lisi, M. (red.) Party System Change, the European Crisis and the State of Democracy. London: Routledge.
  3. Otjes, S. T. Louwerse & A. Timmermans (2018) “The Netherlands. The reinvention of consensus democracy” in De Giorgi, A. & G. Ilonszki (eds.) Opposition Parties in European Legislatures Conflict or Consensus? Oxford: Taylor & Francis.
  4. Allern E., T. Bale, & S. Otjes (2017) “Mapping Party-Trade Union Relationships in Contemporary Democracies” in Allern, E. & T. Bale (eds.) Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  5. Otjes, S. & A. Rasmussen (2017) “The Legacy of Pillarization: Trade Union Confederations and Political Parties in the Netherlands” in Allern, E. & T. Bale (red.) Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. Allern, E., T. Bale & S. Otjes (2017) “The Relationships between Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in Contemporary Democracies” in Allern, E. & T. Bale (red.) Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  7. Allern, E., T. Bale & S. Otjes (2017) “Variations in Party-Union Relationships: Explanations and Implications” in Allern, E. & T. Bale (red.) Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  8. Otjes, S. (2014) “Animal Party Politics in Parliament” in Wissenburg, M. & D. Schlossberg (eds.) Political Animals and Animal Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Other book chapters

  1. De Roon, C., S. Otjes, I. van Biezen & T. Louwerse (2023). “Piepen de jongen zoals de ouden zingen? Politieke jongerenorganisaties in Nederland in de jaren 1980 en de jaren 2010” [Political Youth Organizations in the 1980s and 2010s] In: Borgman, W., van Kessel, A. C. M. W., Kroeze, D. B. R., Ramakers, J. J. M., Smit, D. E. J., & Steenbergen, L. R. (eds.). Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis 2023. Een kwestie van tijd. De factor tijd in de politiek. Amsterdam: Boom.
  2. Mickler, T.A. & S. Otjes (2023). “De partijkeuze in provincie en waterschap” [party choice in provinces and water boards] In: Vollaard, H., H. Binnema, L. de Blok, H. van der Kolk, T. Mickler & S. Otjes (red.). Burgers en boeren in beweging Het kiezersonderzoek in provincies en waterschappen van 2023. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
  3. Otjes, S., W. Veenendaal, D. van der Vlist, T. Vos (2023). “Inleiding” [introduction] In: Vos, T., Van der Vlist, D., Veenendaal, W. & Otjes, S. (red.) Gezond Dualisme. Hoe coalitie- en oppositieraadsleden samen kunnen zorgen voor een sterke gemeenteraad. Den Haag: Nederlandse Vereniging van Raadsleden.
  4. Otjes, S., W. Veenendaal, D. van der Vlist, T. Vos (2023). “Conclusie: Hoe coalitie- en oppositieraadsleden samen kunnen zorgen voor een sterke gemeenteraad” [Conclusion: how coalition and opposition councilors can create a stronger municipal council] In: Vos, T., Van der Vlist, D., Veenendaal, W. & Otjes, S. (red.) Gezond Dualisme. Hoe coalitie- en oppositieraadsleden samen kunnen zorgen voor een sterke gemeenteraad. Den Haag: Nederlandse Vereniging van Raadsleden.
  5. Otjes, S. (2022) “Waar staan de lokale partijen en waar de afdelingen van de landelijke partijen?” [Where do local parties and the branches of national parties stand?] In: Heringa, A.W., J. Schinkelshoek & S. Otjes (red.) Om de lokale democratie. Amsterdam: Boom.
  6. Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (2021). “Inleiding” [Introduction] In: Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (red.) Tussen Bestormen en Besturen. 55 jaar D66 in de Nederlandse Politiek 1966-2021. Amsterdam: Boom.
  7. Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (2021). “Conclusie” [Conclusion] In: Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (red.) Tussen Bestormen en Besturen. 55 jaar D66 in de Nederlandse Politiek 1966-2021. Amsterdam: Boom.
  8. Kempers, J. & S. Otjes (2021) “Hoe zetten lokale partijen hun raadinstrumenten in?” [How do local parties use their council instruments] In: Ostaaijen, J. (ed.) Lokale partijen in de praktijk Een overzicht van kennis over het functioneren van lokale partijen in Nederland. Den Haag: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
  9. Otjes, S. (2021). “‘Slowly, and then all at once’: De liefde tussen D66 en de Europese liberale familie” [Slowly and then all at once. The love between D66 and the European liberal family] In: Brummer, C. & Otjes, S. (red.) Tussen Bestormen en Besturen. 55 jaar D66 in de Nederlandse Politiek 1966-2021. Amsterdam: Boom.
  10. Otjes S. (2021) “Waar staan lokale partijen? De ideologische positionering van lokale partijen” [Where do local parties stand? Ideological positioning of local parties] In: Ostaaijen, J. (red.) Lokale partijen in de praktijk Een overzicht van kennis over het functioneren van lokale partijen in Nederland. Den Haag: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
  11. Otjes, S. & Louwerse, T. (2021) “Derde keer op de evenwichtsbalk. Parlementair stemgedrag tijdens Rutte III” [The third balancing act. Parliamentary behaviour during the Third cabinet Rutte] In: Schinkelshoek, J. & Voerman, G. (red.) ‘Niet stoffig, toch?’ Terugblik op het kabinet-Rutte III. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut.
  12. Van Ostaaijen, J., Voerman, G., Boogers, M., Otjes, S., van Biezen, I & Waling, G. (2021) “Inleiding: Wat we weten over lokale partijen” [Introduction: what we know about local parties] In: Ostaaijen, J. (red.) Lokale partijen in de praktijk Een overzicht van kennis over het functioneren van lokale partijen in Nederland. Den Haag: Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
  13. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2020) “De SGP-kiezer: wel radicaal en rechts maar niet radicaalrechts populistisch?” [The voter for the political reformed party radical and right-wing but not radical right-wing politics] In: De Jager, K.-J. (ed.) Theocratie en Populisme Staatkundig Gereformeerden en de stem van het volk. Apeldoorn: Labarum Academic.
  14. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2019). “PVV in het Parlement.” [Freedom Party in parliament] In: Voerman, G. & Vossen, K. (eds.) Wilders Gewogen. 15 jaar reuring in de Nederlandse politiek. Amsterdam; Boom.
  15. Otjes, S. (2019) “Europese Fractievorming. Nederlandse versus Franse Logica” [European group formation. Dutch versus French logic] in Heringa, A.-W. & J. Schinkelshoek (eds.) Europa, Europa: op weg naar de verkiezingen van mei 2019. Amsterdam: Boom.
  16. Otjes, S. (2018) “Duurt het nog lang? Een eerste verkenning van de verklaring van de duur van lokale formaties in 2018” [how long will it take? A first exploration of the explanations of the length of local formations in 2018] in Heringa, A.-W. & J. Schinkelshoek (eds.) Een goede raad Stand van de lokale democratie na de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2018. Amsterdam: Boom.
  17. Voerman, G. & Otjes. (2018) “De terugkeer van de lokale partij. Verkenning op een nauwelijks ontgonnen terrein” [the retun of the local party. Exploration of a nearly undiscovered area] in Heringa, A.-W. & J. Schinkelshoek (esd.) Een goede raad Stand van de lokale democratie na de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2018. Amsterdam: Boom.
  18. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2016) “Four Flavours of Euroscepticism in the Netherlands” in Moreau, Patrick & Wassenberg, Birte (eds.) European Integration and new Anti-Europeanism I. The 2014 European Election and the Rise of Euroscepticism in Western Europe. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  19. Otjes, S. (2016) “Stabiliteit en Welvaart ter Discussie. De Posities van Nederlandse Politieke Partijen over het Associatieakkoord met Oekraïne” [Stability and Prosperity under Discussion. Position of the Dutch Political Parties about the Ukraine Association Agreement] in Heringa, A.-W. (ed.) Het Eerste Raadgevend Referendum. Het EU-Oekraïne Associatieakkoord. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut.
  20. Otjes, S. (2016) “Wat is er over van de rode familie? De bijzondere relatie tussen PvdA en NVV/FNV” (What is left of the red family? The special relationship between the Labour Party and the Trade Union Movement) in Becker, F. en G. Voerman (eds.) Zeventig jaar Partij van de Arbeid. Amsterdam: Boom.
  21. Otjes, S. (2015) “Ledenpeiling” (Survey among the members of the Dutch GreenLeft about welfare state reform) in Werken in de 21e eeuw. Partijbrede discussie GroenLinks voorjaar 2016. Utrecht: GroenLinks.
  22. Otjes, S. (2015) “De Toekomst van de Eerste Kamer. Vier Scenario’s” (The Future of the Senate: Four Scenario’s) in Van der Braak, B. (ed.) Het ‘Probleem’ Eerste Kamer. Visies op de Toekomstige Rol van de Senaat. The Hague: Montesquieu Instituut. pp.7-24.
  23. Otjes, S. (2015) “De Vier Wetten van Noten Getoetst” (Noten’s Four Laws Tested) in Van der Braak, B. (ed.) Het ‘Probleem’ Eerste Kamer. Visies op de Toekomstige Rol van de Senaat. The Hague: Montesquieu Instituut. pp.52-67.
  24. Blom, J., M. Meijer & S. Otjes (2015) “Ledenonderzoek #glgesprek militaire interventies” (Survey among the members of the Dutch GreenLeft about military Intervention) Vrede, daar blijf je aan werken. GroenLinks en militaire interventies Partijbrede discussie 2014. pp.192-197.
  25. Otjes. S. (2014) “The Economic Representation Deficit. Reconsidering Economic Policy Congruence between Voters and their Representatives” in L. Bardi, H. Kreisi and A. Trechsel (eds.) Elections in Europe in Times of Crisis. Florence: EUI. Presentation on youtube.
  26. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2014) “Inleiding” (Introduction to edited volume about second cabinet Rutte) in Voerman, G. (ed.) Halverwege? Tussenbalans kabinet-Rutte II. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut. pp.7-20.
  27. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2014) “Een middenkabinet of een minderheidskabinet?” (A centre cabinet or a minority cabinet?) in Voerman, G. (ed.) Halverwege? Tussenbalans kabinet-Rutte II. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut. pp.35-48. Presentation on Youtube.

Other scientific contributions

  1. Otjes, S. (2023). “Provincial and Senate elections in the NetherlandsElectoral Bulletins of the European Union, 2(4).
  2. Otjes, S. (2023). “Waarom is links zo klein? En wat is daaraan te doen?” [Why is the left so small? And what can be done] Socialisme & Democratie.
  3. Otjes, S. (2023). “Kiezen voor de regio” [choose for the region] De Helling.
  4. Otjes, S. (2023). “Visie of compromis” [vision or compromise] De Helling.
  5. Otjes, S. (2023) “Progressieven verenigt u!” [Progressives unite!] Idee. Tijdschrift voor het sociaal-liberalisme.
  6. Otjes, S. (2023) “The hope of the Dutch leftInternational Politics and Society.
  7. Otjes, S. (2023) “Een nieuwe bestuurscultuur?” [A new culture of governing?] Sociologie Magazine.
  8. Nagtzaam, M. & Otjes, S. (2023). “Voorkeursdrempels in kaart” External report for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations on the electoral system.
  9. Otjes, S. & M. Nagtzaam (2023). “Het Effect van Met één stem meer keus” External report for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations on the electoral system.
  10. Otjes, S. (2023). “Agrarisch Populisme” [agrarian populists] De Helling
  11. Otjes, S. & L. De Jonge (2023). “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2022 A New Cabinet Facing New and Old ChallengesEuropean Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 62(1).
  12. Otjes, S. (2023). “Willen we een groter parlement?” [Who wants a larger parliament?] De Helling
  13. Otjes, S. (2023). “Where Will the Green-Labour Alliance in the Netherlands Lead?Green European Journal, 7 maart.
  14. Otjes, S. (2022). “Het Activistendilemma” [The activists’ dilemma] De Helling
  15. Otjes, S. (2022). “Fuseren is niet de enige optie” [merger is not the only option] De Helling
  16. Otjes, S. (2022). “From Eurorealism to Europhilia? The 2021 Dutch Elections and the New Approach of the Netherlands in EU PoliticsJournal of Common Market Studies. (Published online ahead of print).
  17. Otjes, S. (2022). “De draai defensiebeleid Europese Groenen” [the turn in the defense policy of the greens] De Helling.
  18. Otjes, S. (2022). “Het politieke schaakbord helt naar rechts” [the playing field tilts to the right] De Helling.
  19. Otjes, S. (2022). Hoe partijfinanciering de politiek kan verbeteren. [how party finance can improve politics] Idee. Tijdschrift voor het sociaal-liberalisme 43(1).
  20. Otjes, S. (2022). Hoe komen progressieve partijen in Nederland uit de stagnatie? [how can the progressive parties can get out their stagnation] Samenleving en Politiek 29(6).
  21. Otjes, S. (2022). Stabiliteit en versplintering in het progressieve blok. [Stabilty and fragmentation in the left bloc] Socialisme & Democratie 79(2).
  22. Otjes, S. (2022). Can GroenLinks Bounce Back at Dutch Local Elections? Green European Journal, March 7.
  23. Otjes, S., G.-J. Brandsma, C. Hoetinck & W. Bolhuis (2022). “Meer ondersteuning voor de Tweede Kamer, maar welke?” [More parliamentary staff, but what kind?] The Hague: Montesquieu Institute.
  24. Otjes, S., & G. Voerman (2022). “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2021. A Year without Government.European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 61(1).
  25. Otjes, S. (2021) “Mogelijkheden voor de stemgewichten voor het Kiescollege voor Niet-ingezetenen” [possibilities for voting weights for the electoral colleges for Dutch people residing outside of the Netherlands] External report for the ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relation.
  26. Otjes, S. (2021). Parliamentary Election in the Netherlands, 17 March 2021. Electoral Bulletins of the European Union, 1(1).
  27. Otjes, S. (2021) “The EU Elephant: Europe in the 2021 Dutch General ElectionsIntereconomics.
  28. Otjes, S. (2021) “Gaan democratie en duurzaamheid samen?” [Are democracy and sustainability compatible?]De Helling.
  29. Otjes, S. (2021) “Waarom deden die Grünen het (niet) zo goed?” [why did Die Grünen do (not) so well?”] De Helling.
  30. Otjes, S. (2021) “Democratiseringsparadox” [Democratization paradox] De Helling.
  31. Otjes, S. (2021) “Ontkoppelde machten” [De-coupled powers] De Helling.
  32. Otjes, S. (2021) “Meerstemmigheid” [Polyphonia] De Helling.
  33. Otjes, S. (2021) “De vele kanten van moraliteit” [On moral politics] De Helling.
  34. Otjes, S. (2021) “Where Did the Dutch Elections Go Wrong for GroenLinks?Green European Journal 19 May.
  35. Otjes, S. & Calvo, K. (2021) “Vergezichten over vertegenwoordiging. Utopische alternatieven en uitvoerbare aanpassingen voor de kiestelsels van Nederland en België” [Rethink representation. Utopian alternatives and realistic changes for the electoral systems of the Netherlands and Belgium] The Hague: Montesquieu Institute.
  36. Otjes, S., & L. Hansma (2021). “The Netherlands: Political development and data for 2020European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 60(1)
  37. Otjes, S. De Natris, J. & Allers, M. (2021) “De duur van formaties en de lengte van college-akkoorden Bestuurlijke en politieke complexiteit in gemeenten” [the length of formations and coalition agreements. Governmental and political complexity in municipalities] External report for the ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations.
  38. Otjes, S. & Van Ostaaijen, J. (2021). “Lokale partijen tussen eenheid en verscheidenheid” [Local parties between unity and diversity] Bestuurswetenschappen, 75(4).
  39. Rodenburg, S. & Otjes, S. (2021) “Will Dutch Voters Keep Right or Turn Left?Green European Journal 9 februari.
  40. Thijssen N. & Otjes, S. (2021) “Formeren en regeren: haalbaar en de hoogste tijd” [Government participation: realistic and necessary] De Helling.
  41. Otjes, S. (2020) “Frisse lucht en hoge cijfers” [Fresh and higher grades] De Helling.
  42. Otjes, S. (2020). “Beleid baant de paden. De politiek volgt” [Policy paves the way. Politics follows] De Helling.
  43. Otjes, S. (2020). “Immigratie en Eerlijk DelenDe Helling.” [Immigration and Redistribution] De Helling.
  44. Otjes, S. (2020) “Pandemie en Politiek” [Pandemic and Politics] De Helling.
  45. Otjes, S. (2020) “Nederland is wel/geen immigratieland* Doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is. GroenLinks en haar voorlopers over arbeidsmigratie” [The Netherlands is (not) an immigration country. The GreenLeft and her predecessors on labour migration] De Helling.
  46. Otjes, S. (2020) “Van Paradepaard naar werkpaard” [From show horse to work horse] De Helling.
  47. Otjes, S. (2020) “Building Blocs in Northern Europe. The Greens in GovernmentGreen European Journal 11 March.
  48. Otjes, S. (2020) Kiesstelsels in Kaart. Het effect van verschillende kiesstelsels op de samenstelling van de Eerste Kamer 1986-2022. [Electoral Systems on the map. The effect of different electoral systems on the composition of the First Chamber 1986-2022] External report for the ministry van Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations about reform of the Senate electoral system.
  49. Otjes, S. (2020) “Close to Home. Local Ties and Voting Radical Right in Europe.” European Political Science (book review)
  50. Voerman, G., Boogers, M. & Otjes, S. (2020). Meervoudige kandidaturen? Een analyse van de kandidaatstelling voor de verkiezingen van de Provinciale Staten en waterschappen, 20 maart 2019. [Multiple candidacies? An analysis of the candidacies for the elections of the provincial councils and the waterboards March 20 2019] External report for the ministry van Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations about provincial electoral lists.
  51. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2020) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2019” European Journal of Political Research 59(1).
  52. Wauters, B., S. Otjes, & E. Van Haute (2020). “Introduction: Parties at the Grassroots. Local Party Branches in the Low CountriesPolitics of the Low Countries, 2(2).
  53. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2019) “The Netherlands: Political Devolpment and Data in 2018” European Journal of Political Research 58(1).
  54. Otjes, S. (2019) “Het belang van bondgenoten” (The importance of allies) De Helling.
  55. Otjes, S. (2019) “Trajecten naar het Torentje” (pathways to power) De Helling.
  56. Otjes, S. (2019) “Een stem op een vrouw is een stem op een vrouw” (a vote for woman is a vote for a woman) De Helling.
  57. Otjes, S. (2019) “We zijn pro-Europeser dan we zelf denken” (we are more pro-European than we think) De Helling.
  58. Otjes, S. (2019) “Arbeidsmarkt: Vrouwen of Migranten?” (labour market: women to migrants) De Helling.
  59. Otjes, S. (2017) “Prins Krullebol-Pruillip en zijn kroonjuwelen en veertien andere verhalen” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (book review).
  60. Otjes, S. (2018) “Green Sweep: Lessons from the Dutch local electionsGreen European Journal 8 May
  61. Otjes. S. (2018) “The NetherlandsGreen European Journal 14 February.
  62. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2018) “A emergência de uma nova dimensão cultural: as eleições holandesas de 2017” (The development of the new cultural dimension: the Dutch elections of 2017). Relações Internacionais 56.
  63. Otjes, S. & E. Rijnberk (2018) Vrouwen nog steeds een minderheid op kandidatenlijsten. (report about women representation of party lists in municipal elections) Utrecht: Bureau de Helling.
  64. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2018) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2017” European Journal of Political Research 57(1).
  65. Beyens, S., S. Otjes & M. van de Wardt (2017) “Fractionalisatie, volatilteit en nieuwe partijen. De Feiten” (Introduction a symposium about fractionalisation) Res Publica 59(1). 
  66. Otjes, S. (2017) “Heeft het rechts-populisme economische of culturele wortels?” (article about the reasons why voters vote for radical right-wing populists parties) De Helling.
  67. Otjes, S. (2017) “De wederopstanding van GroenLinks” (article about the resurgence of the GreenLeft in the 2017 elections) Socialisme & Democratie.
  68. Otjes, S. (2017) “Versplintering is een fact of life” (Contribution to a symposium about fractionalisation) Res Publica 59(1).
  69. Otjes, S. (2017) “Radicalisation in IsolationGreen European Journal 24 February, also published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung (here) and Espirit (here in French).
  70. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2017) “De Grijze Revolte: 50Plus-stemmers in beeld” (article about the voters for the pensioners’ party 50Plus) Geron 19(4): 48-51.
  71. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2017) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2016” European Journal of Political Research 56(1)
  72. Otjes. S. (2016) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2015” European Journal of Political Research 55(1).
  73. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2016) “Geen woorden maar daden. Stemmen linkse en rechtse populisten hetzelfde in de Tweede Kamer?” (article about the parliamentary behaviour of populist parties) Res Publica 58(1).
  74. Otjes. S. & G. Voerman (2015) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2014″ European Journal of Political Research 54(1).
  75. Otjes. S. & G. Voerman (2014) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data in 2013″ European Journal of Political Research 53(1).
  76. Otjes, S. (2014) “How the Economic Crisis Changed the Lines of Conflict in the EU” Intereconomics 49(1).
  77. Otjes. S. & T. Louwerse (2014) “A Special Majority Cabinet? Supported Minority Governance and Parliamentary Behavior in the Netherlands” World Political Science Review 10. (This is an English-language version of Otjes and Louwerse (2013))
  78. Voerman, G. & S. Otjes (2014) Hoe Sterkere Europartijen kunnen bijdragen aan de Europese representatieve democratie. Den Haag: Montesquieu Institute (policy paper on Europarties).
  79. Otjes, S. (2013) “Van 10 naar 4. De redenen voor het verlies van GroenLinks in 2012” Appendix of the Dutch Greens election evaluation report Terug naar de Toekomst.
  80. Otjes, S. (2013) “Tot hier en nu verder” Appendix of the Dutch Green election evaluation report Terug naar de Toekomst.
  81. Otjes, S. (2013) “1072 Brieven” Appendix of the Dutch Green elections evaluation report Terug naar de Toekomst.
  82. Otjes. S. & G. Voerman (2013) “The Netherlands: Political Developments and Data 2012” European Journal of Political Research 52(1).
  83. Otjes, S. (2011) “Party Competition between Unequals” Acta Politica 46(3) (book review).
  84. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2011) “Loyaal maar met een scherpe rand” Report for Argos Radio 1 (about voting behaviour of PVV).
  85. Otjes. S. & T. Louwerse (2010) “Kiezen voor confrontatie” Report for Argos Radio 1 (about voting behaviour of PVV).
  86. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2010) “Kies voor de liberale democratie” De Helling (article in Dutch-language journal about the debate about democratization in the GreenLeft).
  87. Pellikaan, H., H. Vollaard, & S. Otjes, (2007) Europe in the Netherlands: Political parties. Den Haag: WRR: webpublication, nr. 24. (external report).

Presented Papers

  1. Otjes, S. (2023) “A Culture of Consensus” presented at the Drakensberg Inclusive Growth Forum of the Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation, 27-29 October.
  2. Otjes, S., W. Wagner & H. Van der Veer (2023) “Party-political contestation of European Trade Policy An analysis of roll call votes in the European Parliament” presented at the Workshop “The Politics of European Union Trade Politics in the European Parliament” Amsterdam, 3 October.
  3. Hofland, D. & S. Otjes (2023) “Parliamentary Staff Size Around the World” presented at the ECPR General Conference, 4 – 8 september and the Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Vienna, 6 – 8 July.
  4. Brandsma, G.J. & S. Otjes (2023) “Political staff in the Dutch lower house” presented at the Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Vienna, 6 – 8 July.
  5. Otjes, S. & A. Rasmussen (2023) “Gendered item non-response patterns in elite surveys” presented at the Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Vienna, 6 – 8 July.
  6. Otjes, S. & J. Natris (2023) “What explains deviations from Gamson’s law? Deviations from Proportionality in municipal coalition bargaining” presented at the Conference of the Comparative Agenda Project, Antwerp 27-29 June.
  7. Kaal, M., T. Louwerse, S. Otjes & J. Van Holsteyn (2023) ““Policy positions and issue saliency as predictors of new party success” gepresenteerd op het Politicologenetmaal, 1-2 juni, 2023.
  8. Otjes, S. & L. Vorsteveld (2023) ““The bill will now come to a vote” How the characteristics of proposals and parties determine parliamentary voting patterns” presented at the Dutch-Flemish Political Science Conference, 1-2 June.
  9. Otjes, S. & J. Natris (2023) “Who gets the say in the coalition agreement? Local programs and municipal coalition agreements” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Toulouse, 25 – 28 April.
  10. Allern, E.H., M. Røed, V.W. Hansen & S. Otjes (2022) “Substitute or complementary: Institutionalized Access to Politics and Party-Interest Group Ties” presented at the EPSA Conference 23-25 June.
  11. Brandsma, G. & S. Otjes (2022). “Theorizing parliamentary staff” presented at the Conference fo the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations, 16-17 June, 2022 and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  12. Harsgor, L., M. Jankowski, M. & S. Otjes(2022). “Patterns of party conflict over COVID-19 regulation at the supra-national level: An investigation of roll-call voting behavior in the EP” resented at the EPSA Conference 23-25 June and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  13. Lubbers, M. S. Otjes, & N. Spierings (2022). “Ethnic minority party preferences 2021” Paper presented at the Virtual Dutch Day of Sociology Conference 10 June 2021 and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  14. Mickler, T., S. Otjes & D. Willumsen (2022). “Who gets to speak for the party? How Parliamentary Party Groups Assign Spokespersonships” Paper presented at the Virtual EPSA Conference 24-25 June 2021, conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 30 June-2 July 2022 and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August 2022.
  15. Otjes. S. & D. Willumsen (2022) “A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Effect of Coalition Formation on Satisfaction with Democracy” presented at the EPSA Conference 23-25 June.
  16. Otjes, S., S. Zivkovic & A. Katsanidou (2022). “From Class Conflict to Culture War? The Changing Meaning of the Left-Right Dimension” presented at the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  17. Rasmussen, A. & S. Otjes. (2022). “Inequality in Perceptions of Public Opinion: Prevalence & Potential Mechanisms” presented at the Conference of European Union Studies Association, 19-21 May and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  18. Vos, T., S. Otjes, L. Van Kalken & G. Boogaard (2022). “No opposition, no coalition. The effect of council-wide agreements on legislative voting behaviour in Dutch municipalities” presented at the Dutch-Flemish Political Science Conference, 16-17 June, 2022, conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 30 June-2 July 2022 and the ECPR General Conference 22-26 August.
  19. Bedock, C., Best, V., Otjes, S. & Weisskircher, M. (2021) “A policy like no other? The populist radical right challenge in the field of democracy reform.” Paper presented at the fifth Prague Populism Conference 17-19 March 2021.
  20. Otjes, S. (2021) “Comparing the size of parliamentary staffs” Paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 1-2 July 2021.
  21. Otjes, S. & De Natris, J. (2021) “Wie krijgt het woord in het coalitieakkoord? Lokale programma’s en gemeentelijke coalitieakkoorden” [Local manifestos and Municipal Coalition Agreements] Paper presented at the Virtual Politicologenetmaal 3-4 June 2021.
  22. Otjes, S, De Natris, J. & Allers, M. (2021) “De duur van formaties en de lengte van college-akkoorden Bestuurlijke en politieke complexiteit in gemeenten” [The Length of Formations and the Length of Coalition Agreements] Paper presented at the Virtual Politicologenetmaal 3-4 June 2021.
  23. Otjes, S. & Louwerse, T. (2021) “The Reinvention of Consensus Politics Majority and minority government in the Netherlands 2007-2021” Paper presented at the Virtual CES Conference 21-25 June.
  24. Otjes, S., Nagtzaam, M. & Van Well, R. (2021). “The Use of Parliamentary Tools by Local Councillors” Paper gepresenteerd op de Conferentie van de ECPR General Conference 30 augustus-3 september 2021.
  25. Otjes, S. Van der Veer, H. & Wagner, W. (2021) “Foreign Policy in the European Parliament” Paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 1-2 July 2021.
  26. Otjes, S., Willumsen, D & Ligthart, D. (2021) “Government Alternation and Satisfaction with Democracy” Paper presented at the Virtual EPSA Conferentie 24-25 June.
  27. Rasmussen, A. & Otjes, S. (2021). “Responding to whom?  An experimental study of politicians’ responsiveness to interest groups and the public” Paper gepresenteerd op de Virtual ECPR General Conference 30 augustus-3 september 2021.
  28. Rasmussen, A. & Otjes, S. (2021). “Biased Responsiveness. Explaining Politicians’ Perceptions of Public Opinion and their policy positions” Paper gepresenteerd op de ECPR General Conference 30 augustus-3 september 2021.
  29. Willumsen, D. & Otjes, S. (2021) “Coalition government, frustrated majorities, and perverse public spending” Paper presented at the SVPW Virtual Conference 4-5 February 2021 & Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 1-2 July 2021.
  30. Allern, E., Klüver, H., Marshall, D., Otjes, S., Rasmussen, A. and Witko, C. (2020) “Policy Proximity, Power and Interest Group-Party Lobby Routines” paper presented EPSA Virtual Conference 18-20 June.
  31. Otjes, S. (2020). “A Lack of Local Loyalty. Understanding Vote Switching Between National and Municipal Elections in the Netherlands.” paper presented at the ECPR Virtual Conference 24-28 August 2020.
  32. Van Kleef, C. Mickler, T. & Otjes, S. (2020). “The Partisan Foundations of Parliamentary Speech. How Parliamentary Party Groups Assign Spokespersonships.” Paper presented at the ECPR Virtual Conference 24-28 August 2020.
  33. Louwerse, T. & Otjes, S. (2019). “Specialized Partisans. How Dutch Parliamentary Parties Divide Floor Access.” paper presented at the Workshop The Politics of Legislative Debate at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung 23-25 October 2019.
  34. Allern, E.H., V.W. Hansen, D. Marshall and S. Otjes (2019) “Organizational Ties between Interest Groups and Political Parties: Towards a Test of the Resource Exchange Model” paper presented at the EPSA General Conference, 20-22 June 2019 and at the workshop Interest Group Research in Southern Europe and Beyond: Findings and Perspectives 24 October 2019.
  35. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2018) “The Politics of Agreements: Rules and Norms in Legislative-Executive Relations in the Netherlands” presented at the ECPR General Conference 22-25 August and at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference 27-29 June 2019.
  36. Otjes, S. (2019) “Waar staan lokale partijen? De ideologisch positionering van lokale partijen” [Where do local parties stand? The ideological positioning of local parties?] paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal, 13-14 June 2019.
  37. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2019) “Populist Opposition A comparative approach to the opposition styles of populist parties” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, 8-12 April.
  38. Van der Veer, H. and S. Otjes (2019) “A House Divided Against Itself. How parties think about the powers of the European Parliament affect how they vote in the European Parliament” paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference, 27-29 June 2019.
  39. Willumsen & S. Otjes (2019) “The Price of Power Coalition Government and public spending in the Netherlands” paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference, 27-29 June 2019.
  40. Allern, E.H., H. Klüver, D. Marshall, S. Otjes, A. Rasmussen & C. Witko (2018) “Lobbying Partners or Strangers? Explaining the Interaction between Political Parties and Interest Groups” presented at the ECPR General Conference 22-25 August.
  41. Allern, E.H. V.W. Hansen, D. Marshall, S. Otjes & T. Poguntke (2018) “Conceptualizing and Measuring  Party-Interest Group Relationships” presented at the ECPR General Conference 22-25 August.
  42. Otjes, S. & A. Katsanidou (2018) “How has the European sovereign debt crisis changed the party space in Europe?” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions 10-14 April.
  43. Otjes, S. & A. Krouwel (2018) “Competition on the Right. A comparison of the voters of the Freedom Party and Forum for Democracy” presented at the Conference fo the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 7-8 June.
  44. Otjes, S. & D. Willumsen (2018) “Government Alternation and the Quality of Democracy” presented at the EPSA General Conference 21-23 June.
  45. Van de Wardt & S. Otjes (2018) “New Parties for All:  The Effect of Ideological Incongruence on  New Party Formation in Western Democracies” presented at the ECPR General Conference 22-25 August.
  46. Allern, E., V. Hansen, H. Klüver, D. Marshall, S. Otjes, A. Rasmussen. & C. Witko (2017) “How Parties’ Relationships with Interest Groups Differ in Old Democracies” presented at the ECPR General Conference 6-9 September.
  47. Allern., E. T. Bale, S. Otjes, & A. Rasmussen (2017) “Institutionalized Access to Government: Examining the Connection between Corporatism and Party-Interest Group Relationships” gpresented at the ECPR General Conference 6-9 September and the EPSA General Conference, 22-24 June.
  48. Otjes, S. (2017) “Beyond Left and Right: The Economic Policy of the Dutch Freedom Party” presented at the ECPR General Conference 6-9 September.
  49. Otjes, S., T. Louwerse & A. Timmermans (2017) “Populism and Opposition Party Behaviour in Netherlands” presented at the Conference of the Council of European Studies 8-10 June, 2015, at the ECPR General Conference 7-10 September 2016 and the Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 29 June-1 July 2017.
  50. Allern, E.H., T. Bale, S. Otjes & V.W. Hansen (2016) “Relationships between Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the 21st century: Evidence from 12 Mature Democracies” paper presented at the EPSA conference 23-25 June.
  51. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2016) “Explaining the use of parliamentary questions by political parties: beyond electoral incentives” paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, 30 June-2 July.
  52. Otjes, S. (2016) “Left-wing and Right-wing Euroskepticism in Southern and Northern Europe” paper presented at the Conference of the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations, 2-3 Juni.
  53. Otjes, S. (2016) “Trust, Left-Right Ideology and Government Intervention”  paper presented at the EPSA conference 23-25 June.
  54. Otjes, S. (2016) “In the open. Agenda-setting in the Dutch Parliament” paper presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 30 June – 2 July.
  55. Allern, E.H., T. Bale & S. Otjes (2015) “Drifting Apart but not Divorced? Relationships between Centre-Left Parties and Trade Unions in Established Democracies” paper presented at the Annual Conference van de European Political Science Association 25-27 June.
  56. Louwerse, T. and S. Otjes (2015) “Explaining the use of parliamentary questions by political parties: beyond electoral incentives” paper presented at the Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and parliamentarians 25-26 July.
  57. Otjes, S. (2015) “Explaining Patterns of Wholesale and Partial Alteration in Cabinet Composition” paper presented at the Annual Conference van de European Political Science Association 25-27 June.
  58. Otjes, S. (2015) “What’s Left of the Radical Right?” paper presented at the workshop What’s Left of the Radical Right? 19-21 January.
  59. Otjes, S. & A. Katsanidou (2015) “Beyond Kriesiland. The relationship between economic, cultural & European Issues in Europe after the European sovereign debt crisis.” paper presented at the Conference of the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 11-12 June and the Max Weber Fellows’ June Conference, European University Institute.
  60. Roger, L. S. Otjes and H. van der Veer (2015) “Decision-making in the European Parliament: compromising on the two-pack” paper presented at Conference of the Council of European Studies 8-10 June.
  61. Jacobs, K. & S. Otjes (2014) “Explaining reforms of assembly sizes. Reassessing the cube root law relationship between population and assembly size” paper presented at the General Conference of the ECPR 3-6 September.
  62. Katsanidou, A., & S. Otjes. (2014). “How the European crisis reshaped the Greek political space.” Conference of Greek Network for the Study of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (GrEPOP).
  63. Lucardie, P., S. Otjes & G. Voerman (2014) “Dealing with Ideological Diehards and Eclectic Extremists. The Establishment’s Reactions to Political Extremism in the Netherlands” paper presented at the Joint Sessions of the ECPR 10-15 April.
  64. Otjes, S. (2014) “Economic Policy Positions during the European Budgetary Crisis: the Netherlands 2006-2012” presented at the Conference Elections and Democracy in Europe of the Scandinavian Network of European Studies 7-9 April.
  65. Otjes. S. (2014) “The Economic Representation Deficit. Reconsidering Economic Policy Congruence between Voters and their Representatives” presented at the EUDO Dissemination conference 28-29 November. Presentation on youtube.
  66. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2014) “Personalised parliamentary behaviour without electoral incentives: the case of the Netherlands” paper presented at the Joint Sessions of the ECPR i11-16 March 2013 and the Conference of the Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 12-13 June 2014.
  67. Otjes, S., T. Louwerse, P. Öhberg & D. Willumsen (2014) “The impact of government majority status on parliamentary behaviour: comparing Sweden and the Netherlands” paper presented at the General Conference of the ECPR 3-6 September.
  68. Otjes, S., P. Lucardie & G. Voerman (2013) “Continuity and change in the social-economic agenda of the PVV” presented at the DNPP Workshop Radical Rightwing Populists and the Economy 3-4 October and the European Sociological Association’s Research Network on Political Sociology conference, 30 November-1 December, 2012.
  69. Otjes, S. & A. Rasmussen (2014) “Persistent Organizations, Weakening Ties: Trade Unions and Left-wing political parties in the Netherlands” paper presented at the General Conference of the ECPR 3-6 September and the meeting of Left-wing Parties and Trade Union project 24-25 April.
  70. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2014) “How Ideological and Institutional Factors Structure Voting Behaviour in the European Parliament” paper presented at the General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments 26-28 June and at the conference Rejecting Europe or Worried about the crisis? Explaining negative attitudes and sentiments towards European integration 8-9 November.
  71. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2013) “A special majority cabinet? Minority cabinet governance in the Netherlands” presented at the Conference Political Legitimacy and the Paradox of Regulation 23-25 January.
  72. Otjes, S. (2013) “What’s left of the economic left-right dimension? And what’s right about it? The coherence of economic views of citizens” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Societies for Political Science 30-31 May.
  73. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse, (2013) “Patterns of coalition-opposition voting in parliamentary systems: exploring case of the Netherlands” ECPR General Conference, 4-7 September.
  74. Otjes, S. & A. Rasmussen (2013) “Interest group-party collaboration in multi-party democracies. Party system dynamics and the effect of power and ideology” presented at the ECPR General Conference, 4-7 September.
  75. Van der Graaf, A., S. Otjes & A. Rasmussen (2013) “Advocacy and Digital Media in EU-Interest Representation: Interest Group Characteristics and New Media Usage” presented at the EPSA General Conference, 20-22 June.
  76. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2012) “Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk. Comparing Parliamentary Speech and Sponsorship of Motions” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 9-10 June 2012 and the e-History Conference 23 June 2011.
  77. Otjes, S. (2012) “The Hobby Horse of the Party for the Animals? Explaining the success of the Party for the Animals” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions 10-15 April.
  78. Otjes, S. (2011) “Understanding Anticipation and Reaction: When, How and Why Do Established Parties Change Their Policy Priorities in Response to the Entry of a New Political Party into the Parliamentary Arena?” presented at the MPSA Conference 31 March – 3 April.
  79. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2011) “Explaining patterns in co-sponsorship through MP specialization: the case of the Netherlands” presented at the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference 24-25 November.
  80. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2011) “Voting Advice Applications and Spatial Modeling” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 9-10 June.
  81. Otjes, S. & K. Vossen (2011) “No Words but Action. Populists in Parliament” presented at the Montesquieu Summer Conference The Hague, the Nederlands 31 August.
  82. Otjes, S. (2010) “The co-optation of ‘unique’ policies of new parties by established parties” presented at the ECPR Graduate Conference 29 August – 1 September 2010 and Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Societies for Political Science 27-28 May.
  83. Otjes, S. (2010) “The Fortuyn Effect Revisited. How did the LPF affect the Dutch party system?” presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions 22-26 March.
  84. Otjes, S. (2009) “Should Real-Libertarians Accept the Duty to Work” presented at the Annual Dutch Conference in Practical Philosophy 2-3 October.
  85. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2009)  “The Laver Problem. Ideological Conflict and the government opposition dynamic in the Dutch parliament” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 30-31 May.
  86. Otjes, S. (2008) “It is the votes that count. Measuring party positions on basis of legislative behaviour” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associations 29-30 May.
  87. Pellikaan, H. & S. Otjes, (2007) “Lijphart’s Fourfold Typology of Democracies” presented at the Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Political Science Associaions 31 May-1 June.
  88. Pellikaan, H., H. Vollaard & S. Otjes, “Europe in the Netherlands: Political Parties” presented at the expert meeting of the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy  “Europe in the Netherlands” 7-8 July.

Contributions to Public Debate

  1. Otjes, S. & L. De Jonge (2023). “Populist Radical Right Wins Dutch Elections, But Can They Form a Government?” Who Governs, 28 november.
  2. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: NSC” [article on supporters of NSC] Stuk Rood Vlees, 21 november.
  3. Otjes. S. (2023). ““Minderheidskabinetten zullen waarschijnlijk de parlementaire controle niet vergroten”” [interview on minority government] Stuk Rood Vlees, 20 november.
  4. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: VVD” [article on supporters of VVD] Stuk Rood Vlees, 10 november.
  5. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: GroenLinks-PvdA” [article on supporters of GL-PvdA] Stuk Rood Vlees, 14 november.
  6. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: PVV” [article on supporters of PVV] Stuk Rood Vlees, 10 november.
  7. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: BBB” [article on supporters of BBB] Stuk Rood Vlees, 7 november.
  8. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: D66” [article on supporters of D66] Stuk Rood Vlees, 3 november.
  9. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: de PvdD” [article on supporters of PvdD] Stuk Rood Vlees, 31 October.
  10. Allern, E.H., W. Hansen, S. Otjes, D. Marshall (2023). “The different tiers of party-interest group ties” LSE EUROPP Blog 30 October.
  11. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: het CDA” [article on supporters of CDA] Stuk Rood Vlees, 27 October.
  12. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: CU en SGP” [article on supporters of CU and SGP] Stuk Rood Vlees, 24 October.
  13. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: FVD en JA21” [article on supporters of FVD and JA21] Stuk Rood Vlees, 20 October.
  14. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: Volt” [article on supporters of Volt] Stuk Rood Vlees, 17 October.
  15. Rooduijn, M. & S. Otjes (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: De SP” [article on supporters of SP] Stuk Rood Vlees, 13 October.
  16. Otjes, S. & M. Rooduijn (2023). “Plaatjes van de electoraatjes 2023: BIJ1 en DENK” [article on supporters of BIJ1 and DENK] Stuk Rood Vlees, 10 October.
  17. Otjes, S. (2023). “D66: regeren is halveren?” [article on D66] De Hofvijver, 25 September.
  18. Otjes, S. (2023). “Prinsjesdag: een begrot”Prinsjesdag: een begroting vlak voor de verkiezingen. Een kans of een risico? ing vlak voor de verkiezingen. Een kans of een risico?” [article on national budget] Leiden University, 19 September.
  19. Otjes, S. (2023). “De geforceerde val van een kabinet in ontbinding” [article on the end of Rutte IV] De Hofvijver, 8 July.
  20. Otjes, S. (2023). “‘Niet alles kan’” [article on parliamentary organization] De Hofvijver, 26 June.
  21. Otjes, S. (2023). “Koehandel bij verkiezingen Eerste Kamer is ondemocratisch” [article on Senate election] Trouw 9 June.
  22. Otjes, S. (2023). “Groeien vertegenwoordigen en verantwoordelijkheid nemen uit elkaar?” [article on governing culture] Stuk Rood Vlees, 24 May en Sargasso 29 May.
  23. Louwerse, S. & S. Otjes (2023). “Waar staat de BoerBurgerBeweging?” [article on farmers-citizens-movement] De Hofvijver, 24 April.
  24. Otjes. S. (2023). “De Gesloten Bestuurscultuur: de erfenis van dertien jaar Rutte of gaat het dieper?” [article on governing culture] Stuk Rood Vlees, 20 April.
  25. Otjes, S. (2023). “Heeft een wegblokkade zin?” [article on protests] Stuk Rood Vlees 30 January.
  26. Otjes, S. (2023). “Juist minder vertrouwen” [article about an electoral threshold] NRC, 19 January.
  27. Otjes, S. (2022). “Vijf creatieve alternatieven voor een kiesdrempel” [article about an electoral threshold] Stuk Rood Vlees 15 December and De Hofvijver 30 January 2023.
  28. Van Well,R., Otjes, S. & Nagtzaam, M. (2022). “Analyse van raadsinstrumenten laat zien: ook in gemeenteraden heerst het monisme” [article about use of council instruments] Stuk Rood Vlees 14 October.
  29. Otjes, S. (2022). “Wanneer wijken Kamerleden af van hun fractie?” [article about party unity]Stuk Rood Vlees 7 September.
  30. Otjes, S. & Brandsma, G.J. (2022). “Een Kamer met weinig ondersteuning: hoe groot is het probleem?” [article about parliamentary staff] Hofvijver 29 August.
  31. Brandsma, G.J., S. Otjes, & C. Hoetinck (2022) “Een echt nieuwe bestuurscultuur krijg je door te doen, niet door erover te praten” [article about parliamentary staff] Nederlands Dagblad 18 June 2022.
  32. Calvo, K. & S. Otjes (2022). “Bijzonder lage opkomst? Een opkomstplicht biedt uitkomst” [A low turn-out. Compulsory voting may solve this] NRC 18 March.
  33. Otjes, S. (2022). “Groeiende versplintering? Een ‘Urban Myth’” [growing fractionalization. An ‘urban myth’] Hofvijver 28 March.
  34. Otjes, S. (2022). “Hoe krijgen partijen lokale lijsten vol?” [how do local parties get their list filled?] Stuk Rood Vlees 5 March.
  35. Otjes, S. (2022). “Waar staan lokale partijen?” [where do local parties stand?] Stuk Rood Vlees 23 February.
  36. Otjes. S. (2022). “Lokale partijen: de grootste politieke familie. Ook weer in 2022?” [local parties: the largest political family. Again in 2022?] Stuk Rood Vlees 15 February en Sargasso 21 February.
  37. Otjes, S. & J. De Natris (2022) “Lokale formaties tussen bestuurlijke complexiteit en politiek wantrouwen [local formations between governmentaal complexity and political trust] Stuk Rood Vlees 17 March.
  38. Beijen, M., S. Otjes, & P. Kanne (2021) “Hoe crises een minister-president electoraal gewin kunnen opleveren” [How crisis can benefit an PM?] Stuk Rood Vlees 9 February.
  39. Brummer, C. & S. Otjes (2021). “D66 moet via de Eerste Kamer de nieuwe coalitie naar links trekken” [D66 should move the coaltion to the left in the Senate] NRC 13 October.
  40. Louwerse, T. (2021) “Protest, politiek, partijen en programma’s” [Protest, politics, parties and programs] Spel En De Macht 18 March.
  41. Otjes, S. (2021) “Wie was het meest succesvol aan de onderhandelingstafel?” [who was most successful in the coalition negotiations] Stuk Rood Vlees 20 December.
  42. Otjes, S. (2021) “De liefde tussen D66 en de Europese liberale familie” [Love between D66 and the European liberal family] Stuk Rood Vlees 5 October.
  43. Otjes, S. (2021) “Waarom doen de Duitse Groenen het (niet) zo goed?” [Why are(n’t) the German Greens doing well?] Stuk Rood Vlees 28 September.
  44. Otjes, S. (2021) “De Culturele Dimensie als de centrale politieke dimensie in de Nederlandse politiek” [The Cultural Dimension as the central political dimension in Dutch politics] De Hofvijver 28 June.
  45. Otjes, S. (2021) “Coalities van het afkalvende midden” [Coalitions of the diminishing centre] Stuk Rood Vlees 3 June.
  46. Otjes, S. (2021) “Hoe versterken we de controlefunctie van het parlement?” [how do we strengthen parliament?] Stuk Rood Vlees 9 April.
  47. Otjes, S. (2021) “Waarom Grootste Overschotten Eerlijker Is” [Why Largest remainders is fairer] Stuk Rood Vlees 2 April.
  48. Otjes, S. (2021) “Veel kiezers twijfelen en kiezen met pijn in het hart voor één partij. Oplossing: geef iedere kiezer niet één, maar tien stemmen” [give people more than one vote] Dagblad van het Noorden 17 March.
  49. Otjes, S. (2021) “Het Kieskompas klopt van geen kant” [Faults in a VAA] Stuk Rood Vlees 19 February.
  50. Otjes, S. (2021) “The Dutch government has been rocked by scandal. Why does its leader remain untainted?The Loop 22 January.
  51. Otjes, S. (2021) “Waarom is links zo klein?” [Why is the left so small?] Stuk Rood Vlees 12 January.
  52. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2021) “De derde keer op de evenwichtsbalk” [The third tim on the balance beam] Stuk Rood Vlees 17 januari.
  53. Otjes, S. & T. Mickler (2021) “Formeren bij de buren” [coalition formation in Germany] Stuk Rood Vlees 3 november.
  54. Otjes, S. & R. Rekker (2021) “Wat we kunnen leren als respondenten “weet niet” zeggen” [What we can learn when respondents say “don’t know”] Stuk Rood Vlees 29 June.
  55. Otjes, S. & D. Stiers, (2021) “Regeringswissels en electorale verantwoording” [Government alternation and electoral responsiveness] Stuk Rood Vlees 2 March.
  56. Otjes, S. & M. Van de Wardt (2021) “Gat in de markt! Waarom mensen nieuwe partijen oprichten en er op stemmen” [Why people form new parties and vote for them?] Stuk Rood Vlees 16 March.
  57. Spierings, N. & S. Otjes, (2021) “Verdeeld succes migrantenpartijen” [Unequal sucess of migrant parties] Stuk Rood Vlees 22 March.
  58. Otjes, S. (2020) “Een Eerste Kamer gekozen door gemeenteraden” [A Senate elected by municipal councils] Stuk Rood Vlees 1 December.
  59. Otjes, S. (2020) “Wat als de Verenigde Staten proportionele representatie zou hebben?” [What if the US used proportional representation?] Stuk Rood Vlees 27 October.
  60. Otjes, S. (2020) “Hoeveel zetels moet de Tweede Kamer hebben?” [How many seats should the lower house have?] De Hofvijver 26 October.
  61. Otjes, S. (2020) “Kleine partijen onder verschillende restzetelregimes.” [Small parties under different systems for dividing remainder seats] Stuk Rood Vlees 11 February.
  62. Otjes, S. (2020) ““Als je meedoet moet je ook voor het hoogste ambt gaan”. Sigrid Kaag als kandidaat-premier” [If you participate, you have to go for the highest office. Sigrid Kaag as candidate-prime minister] Stuk Rood Vlees 24 June.
  63. Elshout, R. & S. Otjes (2019) “Het Brusselse Game of Thrones is een stuk spannender dan de Haagse kaasstolp” [article about European Parliament elections] Trouw 1 May.
  64. Louwerse, T. and Otjes, S. (2019) “Is er genoeg steun in de Eerste Kamer voor het kabinet?” [Does Government has enough support in the Senate?] De Kiezer. The Hague: BZK.
  65. Otjes, S. (2019) “Wie heeft de slag om Brussel gewonnen?” [Who won the battle for Brussels] Hofvijver 28 October.
  66. Otjes, S. (2019) “Wat als Nederland een ander kiesstelsel had?” [What if the Netherlands has a different electoral system?] De Kiezer. Den Haag: BZK.
  67. Otjes, S. (2019) “Extreme lange formaties leiden tot heel brede maar heel nauwe colleges”  [Extremely long formations lead to very broad but very narrow provincial executives] Hofvijver 26 Augustus.
  68. Otjes, S. & T. Mickler (2019) “Werkwijze Tweede Kamer moet steviger op de schop” [The procedure of the lower house should be revised even more] Stuk Rood Vlees 5 November.
  69. Otjes, S. & J. van der Heijden (2020) “Staatsburgers zonder volksvertegenwoordigers: het democratisch tekort van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden” [Citizens without representatives: the democratic deficit on the Kingdom of the Netherlands] Stuk Rood Vlees 13 November.
  70. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2019) “Ja, er valt echt iets te kiezen bij de verkiezingen voor het Europees Parlement” [Yes, there is something to choose in the European Parliamen elections] Stuk Rood Vlees 17 May.
  71. Otjes, S. (2019) “Evidence from the Netherlands: How the politics of agenda-setting shapes the work of national parliamentsLSE Public Policy Blog 29 March.
  72. Otjes, S. (2019) “Voting Pirate Parties. Program or ProtestPolitics Blog 22 March.
  73. Otjes, S. (2019) “Wie bepaalt de agenda van de Tweede Kamer?” [article about agenda-setting] Stuk Rood Vlees 6 February.
  74. Otjes. S. & T. Louwerse (2019) “Op wie kan het kabinet straks rekenen?” [article about voting in the Senate] Stuk Rood Vlees 16 March.
  75. Otjes, S. & D.M. Willumsen (2019) “Spannende verkiezingen, hogere opkomst?” [article about wholesale and parial alternation] Stuk Rood Vlees 17 April.
  76. Mickler, T. & S. Otjes (2018) “Door Sterkere Commissies een Sterker Parlement” [article about parliamentary committees] Stuk Rood Vlees 6 September.
  77. Otjes, S. (2018) “Een versnipperde gemeenteraad. Het nieuwe normaal?” [article about the fragmention of municipal councils] Hofvijver 26 March.
  78. Otjes, S. (2018) “Wat beïnvloedt het aantal vrouwen op kandidatenlijsten?” [article about women representation on party lists for the municipal elections] Stuk Rood Vlees 27 March.
  79. Otjes, S. (2018) “Wat betekenen landelijke peilingen voor lokale uitslagen” [article about the effect of national polls for local election results] Stuk Rood Vlees 27 March.
  80. Otjes, S. (2018) “Waarom stemmen kiezers op lokale partijen” [article about voting for independent local parties] Stuk Rood Vlees 13 February, also published in de Hofvijver (here).
  81. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2018) “Evidence from the Netherlands: How do populist parties act in parliament?LSE EUROPP Blog also published on Stuk Rood Vlees.
  82. Otjes, S. & P. Lucardie (2018) “Het Europees Parlement na de brexit” [article about the future groups in the European Parliament] Hofvijver 26 November.
  83. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2018) “Zal Europe en Marche het politieke landschap in het Europees Parlement in beweging brengen?” [article about the future groups in the European Parliament] Stuk Rood Vlees 11 July.
  84. Vermeulen, F., A. Krouwel, & S. Otjes (2018) “De DENK-stemmer: progressief én conservatief” [article about voting for the migrant party DENK] Stuk Rood Vlees 22 January, also published on kifkif (here).
  85. Otjes, S. (2017) “Rutte was de enige minister die bleef zitten, hoe bijzonder is dat?” [article about ministerial alternation in the Netherlands] Stuk Rood Vlees 31 October.
  86. Otjes, S. (2017) “The Longest Formation in Dutch history. Why did it take so long? What did it result in? And will that last?WhoGoverns? 26 October.
  87. Otjes, S. (2017) “Wat als … Nederland het Duitse kiesstelsel had?” [article about the German electoral system] Stuk Rood Vlees 28 September.
  88. Otjes, S. (2017) “Wat als … Nederland het Noorse kiesstelsel had? En andersom?” [article about the Norwegian electoral system] Stuk Rood Vlees 13 September.
  89. Otjes, S. (2017) “Wat als … Nederland het Franse kiesstelsel had?” [article about French electoral system] Stuk Rood Vlees 14 June.
  90. Otjes, S. (2017) “Wat als … Nederland het Britse kiesstelsel zou hebben?” [article about the British electoral system] Stuk Rood Vlees 9 June.
  91. Otjes, S. (2017) “Dutch Defeat ‘wrong’ kind of populism” 22 March?
  92. Otjes, S. (2017) “A flattened political landscape in a flat country” Who governs? 16 March.
  93. Otjes. S. & T. Louwerse (2017) “Kamervragen. Voortzetting van de verkiezingscampagne met andere middelen?” [article about parliamentary questions] Stuk Rood Vlees 19 september. Also published in de Hofvijver. 25 september.
  94. Otjes, S. & A. Rasmussen (2017) “No longer going steady, but playing the field: Trade unions and the decline of social democracy” LSE EUROPP blog 31 May.
  95. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2016) ““Waarom Kamerleden actief zijn (en sommigen meer dan anderen)” [article about MP activity] Stuk Rood Vlees 9 February.
  96. Otjes, S. (2016) “Could the Netherlands’ referendum on Ukraine really create a ‘continental crisis’?” LSE EUROPP blog 26 January.
  97. Otjes, S. (2016) “De Valkuilen van het Voor-kamp #GeenPeil” [article about Ukraine referendum] Stuk Rood Vlees 19 January
  98. Otjes, S. (2016) ““Emotie-inflatie Revisited” [article about the role of emotion in politics] Stuk Rood Vlees 5 January.
  99. Otjes, S. (2016) “Waarom houdt de Eerste Kamer zoveel initiatiefwetgeving tegen?” [article about use of the Dutch Senate’s vetopower] Stuk Rood Vlees 19 November en Hofvijver 30 November.
  100. Otjes. S. (2016) “Welvaart en Stabiliteit ter Discussie. Het debat over het associatieakkoord” (article about the political debate about the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine) Stuk Rood Vlees 8 April.
  101. Otjes, S. (2016) “” Vertrouwensregel: Edelsteen of Molensteen?” (article about parliamentary confidence] De Hofvijver 29 March.
  102. Otjes, S. (2016) “Is a Nexit now on the cards? What the UK’s referendum means for the Netherlands” LSE EUROPP blog 28 June.
  103. Otjes. S. (2016) “De Verbreding van Denk” [article about the party Denk] Stuk Rood Vlees 24 May.
  104. Otjes. S. (2016) “Versplintering en de Tweede Kamer” [article about the fractionalisation of the Second Chamber] Stuk Rood Vlees 10 May.
  105. Otjes, S. & H. Van der Veer (2016) “Coalities bouwen in het Europees Parlement” [article about voting in the European Parliament] Stuk Rood Vlees 21 July.
  106. Otjes, S. & H. Van der Veer (2016) “Laat het Europees Parlement links-rechtstegenstellingen links liggen?” [article about voting in the European Parliament] Stuk Rood Vlees 12 July.
  107. Van der Veer H. & S. Otjes (2016) “Can only Eurosceptics oppose austerity? How divisions over integration have replaced the left/right divide in the European Parliament” LSE EUROPP blog 12 April.
  108. Katsanidou, A. & S. Otjes (2015) “Mapping the Greek party system after the 2015 elections” LSE EUROPP blog 25 February.
  109. Katsanidou, A. en S. Otjes (2015) “Not so strange bedfellows: Syriza and the Independent Greeks” OpenDemocracy 10 February and StukRoodVlees 6 February.
  110. Otjes, S. (2015) “Voorspelling: Evolutionair psychologen winnen de Volkskrant wedstrijd glansrijk” [article about predictions for the US presidential race] StukRoodVlees 10 November.
  111. Otjes, S. (2015) “A Game of Chicken? Mogelijke scenario’s voor het belastingplan” [article about budget negotiations] Stuk Rood Vlees 30 November en Hofvijver 30 November.
  112. Otjes, S. (2015) “Emotie Inflatie” [article about the role of emotion in politics] Stuk Rood Vlees 22 December.
  113. Otjes, S. (2015) “Waarom schuift radicaal rechts naar links?” [article about the economic policy positions of the radical right] StukRoodVlees October 27.
  114. Otjes, S. (2015) “De ontkoppeling van het aantal woordvoerders en het stemgewicht in de Tweede Kamer [article about democratic reform] De Hofvijver 21 September 2015.
  115. Otjes, S. (2015) “Minder Theater in de Tweede Kamer” [article about parliamentary modes] StukRoodVlees October 6.
  116. Otjes, S. (2015) “De Vier Wetten van Noten Getoetst” [article about the Dutch Senate] StukRoodVlees 26 May.
  117. Otjes, S. (2015) “Britse Toestanden” [article about electoral reform in the Netherlands] StukRoodVlees 18 May and Hofvijver 53.
  118. Otjes, S. (2015) “Constructieve oppositie leidt tot tevreden kiezers” [article about Dutch consensus democracy] Trouw 30 April.
  119. Otjes, S. (2015) “Vier Politieke Stijlen in de Provinciale Staten” [article about political styles in Provincial government] StukRoodVlees 17 March.
  120. Otjes, S. (2015) “Gevestigde Partijen in een Versplinterd Partijsysteem” [article about fractionalization of the Dutch parliament] De Hofvijver 52.
  121. Otjes, S. (2015) “Is D66 links?” [article about economic positions of D66] De Hofvijver 49.
  122. Otjes, S. (2015) “Hangt links in Europa in de touwen?” [article about left-wing politics in Europe] De Hofvijver 49.
  123. Otjes, S. & K. Jacobs (2015) “Meer of minder Kamerleden” (article about the number of MPs) Stuk Rood Vlees 8 December.
  124. Rasmussen, A. & S. Otjes (2015) “Why political context is key in determining the parties interest groups choose to collaborate with” LSE EUROPP blog 25 March.
  125. Klei, E. & S. Otjes (2014) “De ommezwaai van D66” [article about referenda] Stuk Rood Vlees 28 January.
  126. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2014) “Het Kieskompas voor Europa. Best Redelijk” [article about VAAs for the EU elections] Stuk Rood Vlees 19 May.
  127. Louwerse, T. & S. Otjes (2014) “PvdA-boycot PVV-voorstellen stelt praktisch niet zoveel voor” [article about PvdA voting behaviour in parliament] Stuk Rood Vlees 25 maart.
  128. Otjes, S. (2014) “Adieu Lijstverbindingen” [article about electoral alliances] StukRoodVlees 11 December.
  129. Otjes, S. (2014) “Maak Eerste Kamer niet zwakker maar sterker” [article about Dutch Senate] de Volkskrant 12 november. Langere versie op StukRoodVlees 13 November. Presentatie op Youtube.
  130. Otjes, S. (2014) “Is initiatiefwetgeving meer dan een bijlage bij een persbericht” [article about legislative initiatives] StukRoodVlees 16 October.
  131. Otjes, S. (2014) “Waarom blijven belastinghervomingen uit?” [article about tax reform] StukRoodVlees 18 September en De Hofvijver 45.
  132. Otjes, S. (2014) “De Tweede Kamer: arena of working parliament?” [article about the Dutch parliament] De Hofvijver 43.
  133. Otjes, S. (2014) “Nieuwkomers als 50Plus trekken overambitieuze mensen die conflict niet schuwen” [article about pensioners’ party] a.o. Eindhovens Dagblad 27 June.
  134. Otjes, S. (2014) “Vier wegen uit de crisis. Nederlandse partijen over de Europese crisis.” [article about party positions in the 2014 EP elections] De Hofvijver 42.
  135. Otjes, S. (2014) “Media kunnen politici maken of breken” [article about role of media and politics] Dagblad van het Noorden 24 May.
  136. Otjes, S. (2014) “Raadsverkiezing geen landelijke graadmeter” [article about link between local and national election] Nederlands Dagblad 11 April.
  137. Otjes, S. (2014) “Nederlandse politieke partijen zijn geen eenheidsworst” [article about differences between parties] Stuk Rood Vlees 18 July.
  138. Otjes, S. (2014) “Buma’s Curieuze Kiesstelsel” (article about electoral reform) Stuk Rood Vlees 2 February.
  139. Otjes, S. (2014) “Een nieuwe gedoogcoalitie” (article about the minority government) De Hofvijver 38.
  140. Otjes, S. en P. Lucardie (2014) “Een hardnekkig idee. Hoe het basisinkomen uit het publieke debat verdween en weer terugkwam” [article about basic income] De Hofvijver 47
  141. Otjes, S. & H. van der Veer (2014) “VVD stemt in Europees Parlement als ‘D66-light’” [article about EP voting behaviour of VVD and D66] Stuk Rood Vlees 9 May.
  142. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2014) “Geef Europese kiezer ook pan-Europese stem” [article about Europarties and EU democratization] de Volkskrant 19 May.
  143. Otjes, S. (2013) “200 jaar partijen in Nederland” [article about party types] De Hofvijver 36.
  144. Otjes, S. (2013) “We rule this country” [article about the minority government] De Hofvijver 35.
  145. Otjes, S. (2013) “Een kat met negen levens” [article about pensioners’ party] De Hofvijver 35.
  146. Otjes, S. (2013) “Voldoet de links/rechts-tegenstelling nog?” [article about validity of the economic left-right] De Hofvijver 34.
  147. Otjes, S. (2013) “Radicale en constructieve oppositie” [article about opposition during minority government[ De Hofvijver 33.
  148. Otjes, S. (2013) “Klub Kobalt, de Kuur en de Kwaal” [article about party reform] De Hofvijver 31.
  149. Otjes, S. (2013) “Waarom heeft de Nederlandse Staten-Generaal 225 leden?” [article about assembly size] De Hofvijver 33.
  150. Otjes, S. (2013) “Het socialisatiestreven en de sociaaldemocratie” [article about the nationalisation of banks by social-democratic finance ministers] De Hofvijver 27.
  151. Otjes, S. (2013) “Verkiezingen, kiezers en leden” [article about the relationship between party membership and electoral results] De Hofvijver
  152. Otjes, S. (2013) “Links Leedvermaak over 50Plus is kortzichtig” [opinion article about the electorate of the pensioners party 50Plus] de Volkskrant 8 October .
  153. Otjes, S. & E. Klei (2013) “Fusie ChristenUnie en SGP kwestie van tijd” [opinion article about the similarities between the ChristianUnion and SGP] Reformatorisch Dagblad 7 September.
  154. Otjes. S. & G. Voerman (2013) “De Europese bondgenoten van de PVV” [article about allies of the PVV] De Hofvijver 30.
  155. Otjes, S. & G. Voerman (2013) “Christen-Democratische Unie?” [article about differences between CU and CDA] De Hofvijver 28.
  156. Otjes, S. (2012) “PvdD geeft haar unieke karakter op” [opinion article about the effect of the Party for the Animals[ Trouw 30 October.
  157. Louwerse T. en S. Otjes (2011) “Emile Roemer: het beste maatje van Geert?” [opinion article about the similarities between PVV and SP] 11 May.
  158. Otjes, S. & T. Louwerse (2011) “GroenLinks houdt wél afstand van de SP” [opinion article about the similarites between the GreenLeft and the SP] de Volkskrant 24 November.


  1. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Is een nieuwe bestuurscultuur mogelijk?” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 20 May.
  2. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Wordt het politieke debat ruwer?” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 3 May.
  3. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Hoe transparant is de (nieuwe) bestuurscultuur?” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 19 April.
  4. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Heeft de lobbywereld meer macht dan de kiezer?” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 5 April.
  5. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Hoe goed is de (media)strijd tussen coalitie en oppositie” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 22 March.
  6. Otjes, S. A. Viëtor & C. Braun (2023). “Bepalen ambtenaren en experts de politiek?” [on political culture] Het Spel En de Macht, 8 March.
  7. Otjes, S., A. Viëtor & W. Veenendaal (2022). “Na de verkiezingen: wie bestuurt de gemeente?” [on municipal government] Het Spel En De Macht 21 March.
  8. Otjes, S., A. Viëtor & W. Veenendaal (2022). “Waarom zijn lokale partijen zo populair?” [on municipal government] Het Spel En De Macht 6 March.
  9. Otjes, S., A. Viëtor & W. Veenendaal (2022). “Hoe houdt de lokale journalistiek zich overeind?” [on municipal government] Het Spel En De Macht 21 February.
  10. Otjes, S., A. Viëtor & W. Veenendaal(2022). “Wat speelt zich allemaal af in gemeenteraden?” [on municipal government] Het Spel En De Macht 7 February.
  11. Otjes, S., A. Viëtor & W. Veenendaal (2022). “Wat hebben wij te kiezen in gemeenteraadsverkiezingen?” [on municipal government] Het Spel En De Macht 24 January.
  12. Otjes, S. & P. Maas (2021) “Wat (te) doen (in) televisiedebatten?” [on elections] Het Spel En De Macht 16 March.
  13. Otjes, S. & P. Maas (2021) “Hoe weerbaar is onze democratie?” [on elections] Het Spel En De Macht 2 March.
  14. Otjes, S. & P. Maas (2021) “Hoe verandert politiek in crisistijd?” [on elections] Het Spel En De Macht 9 February.
  15. Otjes, S. & P. Maas (2021) “Waarom houden we verkiezingen” [on elections] Het Spel En De Macht 26 January.